dew and the Mist


Note from Author

“Every Book has a destiny.”, one of the publishers had told me. I had written ‘dew and the Mist’ in my early days of writing (2010). In spite of my few attempts to get it published, for some reasons it never made it to press. Finally, thanks to #StoryBerry, I am able to bring it to my readers.


‘dew and the Mist’ is a beautiful story of Kusumita who is forced to marry Nihaar Singh, heir of a rich family because of her poor family conditions. Soon she comes to know the reason behind the marriage as Nihaar has a dark past. There is a strong rumour that he was behind the death of his first wife as she was from a rich family.

Kusumita is scared as the truth starts unfolding. She slowly starts falling in love with Nihaar as she starts knowing him but then on another side she comes to know the darker side of him. Will her heart see the truth?



Nihar – The male protagonist. He is a rich businessman, with a dark past. 

Kusumita -The female protagonist, who is forced by her family to marry Nihar.

Dadi-maa – Indira Devi, grandmother of Nihar. She is the family head.

Sneha – Nihar’s younger sister

Mohit – Nihar’s younger brother

Radhika – Nihar’s first wife



Epilogue: dew and the Mist

All these years they went through hell, they had no one to support them except themselves.

Part 22 : dew and the Mist (Last)

Kusum’s eyes brightened as she started looking everywhere. Nihar was dazzled, he turned soft as he observed Radhika’s belongings but […]

Part 20 : dew and the Mist

‘Kusumita, listen to me. I didn’t lie. I had no clue about the file, just a few years back only […]

Part 19 : dew and the Mist

As her fingers moved through the piles of files, her eyes got stuck on one of the files labelled ‘Radhika […]

Part 18: dew and the Mist

Nihar stared at her with tenderness in his eyes, he then played with her curls and asked, ‘Kusumita, I want […]

Part 17: dew and the Mist

After some time, she gained consciousness as strong lights pierced her eyes, she saw the headlights of a vehicle beaming […]

Part 16: dew and the Mist

The spread of the pink lotuses charmed the emerald-coloured water, and scintillated it, as the fog rose from the surface […]

Part 15: dew and the Mist

‘This is a beautiful place…!’ Kusum was very excited to see the Bungalow at the farmhouse and then the surroundings

Part 14: dew and the Mist

He puzzles her with every day passing, sometimes she sees a kid in him but then his demanding eyes at […]

Part 13: dew and the Mist

‘I know you are very upset because of my coercing and you know, she also used to be upset with […]

Part 12 : dew and the Mist

Kusum couldn’t believe what she just heard. Last night he was with her, fighting for his rights, making her know […]

Part 11 : dew and the Mist

He got up, as he saw her. He lowered his eyes and then looked into her eyes, and said, ‘Kusumita, […]

Part 10 : dew and the Mist

Her lips dazzled with happiness and she ran to him. He was taken by surprise when she embraced him from […]

Part 9 : dew and the Mist

Aghast, she just wanted to leave everything and run away to a place where no one could find her. In […]

Part 6 : dew and the Mist

The night was stark dark and the road was empty with hardly any vehicles moving on the road. Nihar was […]

Part 5 : dew and the Mist

She remembered last night’s events and became thoughtful. Something was in his voice and his eyes, which troubled her last […]

Part 4 : dew and the Mist

The deep silence in the car made Kusum anxious. It was almost 2 hours since they had started for Agra, […]

Part 3- dew and the Mist

Indira Devi gave her a stern look, ‘Do not try to fool me. I feel both of you must spend […]

Part 2 – dew and the Mist

She then totally forgot the opulence and the ecstasies; she was petrified, scared of the unknown destiny which was carved […]

Part 1 – dew and the Mist

She was filled with resentment and wanted to tear off all the decorations from the Mandap and throw out all […]